Hi! I am happy to share with you what I do and where you can find me! 


About me

Hi, I am Mirte.


I am a personality wizard and cycle breaker. I live in the Netherlands and I infuse the world with embodiment, self-knowledge and grounded spirituality.


I am a Living Yolates and Yin Yoga teacher. I bring you back into your body with joy and grounded spirituality/energywork.  


Next to that, I help people with understanding how their personalities work through the ITTI method: a talentanalysis that gives you a deep dive into your own personality and what you need to do or learn in order to thrive in all areas of your life. 


Feel so very welcome!

Most of my education and training has been in English. I traveled and worked abroad for a big part of my adult life. I love to connect with people around the world. We might all look or believe different, our essence is the same: soul. Therefor I am happy to work with you if Dutch is not your native language and want to lift up the language barrier by switching to English. At this moment my offerings in English are:









If you want me to provide a Private English Yin Yoga or Living Yolates workshop or a workshop in your company/business; feel free to send me an e-mail and let's find out how i can help you.